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Business Information System
Semester 4
Kategori Kursus
Architecture / Semester 1
Architecture / Semester 2
Architecture / Semester 3
Architecture / Semester 4
Architecture / Semester 5
Architecture / Semester 6
Architecture / Semester 7
Architecture / Semester 8
Interior Design
Interior Design / Semester 1
Interior Design / Semester 2
Interior Design / Semester 3
Interior Design / Semester 4
Interior Design / Semester 5
Interior Design / Semester 5 / Focus Study 1 (FI)
Interior Design / Semester 5 / Focus Study 2 (POC)
Interior Design / Semester 5 / Focus Study 3 (DI)
Interior Design / Semester 6
Interior Design / Semester 7
Interior Design / Semester 8
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering / Semester 1
Civil Engineering / Semester 2
Civil Engineering / Semester 3
Civil Engineering / Semester 4
Civil Engineering / Semester 5
Civil Engineering / Semester 6
Civil Engineering / Semester 7
Civil Engineering / Semester 7 / Focus Study 1
Civil Engineering / Semester 7 / Focus Study 2
Civil Engineering / Semester 8
Urban Planning
Urban Planning / Semester 1
Urban Planning / Semester 2
Urban Planning / Semester 3
Urban Planning / Semester 4
Urban Planning / Semester 5
Urban Planning / Semester 6
Urban Planning / Semester 7
Urban Planning / Semester 8
Visual Communication Design
Visual Communication Design / Semester 1
Visual Communication Design / Semester 2
Visual Communication Design / Semester 3
Visual Communication Design / Semester 4
Visual Communication Design / Semester 5
Visual Communication Design / Semester 5 / Focus Study 1 (Typeface Design)
Visual Communication Design / Semester 5 / Focus Study 2 (Game Design)
Visual Communication Design / Semester 5 / Focus Study 3 (Media Digital)
Visual Communication Design / Semester 6
Visual Communication Design / Semester 7
Visual Communication Design / Semester 8
Informatics / Semester 1
Informatics / Semester 2
Informatics / Semester 3
Informatics / Semester 4
Informatics / Semester 5
Informatics / Semester 5 / Focus Study UI/UX ApplicationDevelopment
Informatics / Semester 5 / Focus Study Cybersecurity
Informatics / Semester 5 / Focus Study Artificial Intelligence
Informatics / Semester 6
Informatics / Semester 7
Informatics / Semester 7 / Focus Study Cybersecurity
Informatics / Semester 7 / Focus Study UI/UX Application Development
Informatics / Semester 8
Business Information System
Business Information System / Semester 1
Business Information System / Semester 2
Business Information System / Semester 3
Business Information System / Semester 4
Business Information System / Semester 5
Business Information System / Semester 5 / Focus Studi IS Governance
Business Information System / Semester 5 / Focus Studi Business Intelligence
Business Information System / Semester 6
Business Information System / Semester 6 / Focus Studi Business Intelligence
Business Information System / Semester 6 / Focus Studi IS Governance
Business Information System / Semester 7
Business Information System / Semester 7 / Focus Studi Business Intelegence
Business Information System / Semester 7 / Focus Studi IS Governance
Business Information System / Semester 8
Hospitality and Tourism
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 1
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 2
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 3
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 4
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 5
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 6
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 7
Hospitality and Tourism / Semester 8
Retail Management
Retail Management / Semester 1
Retail Management / Semester 2
Retail Management / Semester 3
Retail Management / Semester 4
Retail Management / Semester 5
Retail Management / Semester 6
Retail Management / Semester 7
Retail Management / Semester 8
Business Management
Business Management / Semester 1
Business Management / Semester 1 / Business Managament - Class A
Business Management / Semester 1 / Business Management - Class B
Business Management / Semester 1 / Business Management - Class C
Business Management / Semester 2
Business Management / Semester 3
Business Management / Semester 3 / Business Management - Class A
Business Management / Semester 3 / Business Management - Class B
Business Management / Semester 4
Business Management / Semester 5
Business Management / Semester 6
Business Management / Semester 7
Business Management / Semester 8
Accounting / Semester 1
Accounting / Semester 2
Accounting / Semester 3
Accounting / Semester 4
Accounting / Semester 5
Accounting / Semester 6
Accounting / Semester 7
Accounting / Semester 8
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts / Semester 1
Culinary Arts / Semester 2
Culinary Arts / Semester 3
Culinary Arts / Semester 4
Culinary Arts / Semester 5
Culinary Arts / Semester 6
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Digital Enterprise Architecture
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Digital Enterprise Architecture / Semester I
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Digital Enterprise Architecture / Semester II
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Digital Enterprise Architecture / Semester III
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Big Data & IoT
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Education Informatics
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Education Informatics / Semester 1
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Education Informatics / Semester 2
Pascasarjana Magister Teknologi Informasi / Education Informatics / Semester 3
Training & Sertifikasi Proficiency
Training & Sertifikasi Proficiency / Training PCT05 - Create Course LMS
Training & Sertifikasi Proficiency / Training Dosen
MKDU / Genap 2023-2024
MKDU / Ganjil 2024/2025
MKDU / Genap 2024/2025
Cari kursus
Cari kursus
IF120503 - Pemrograman Mobile - 3 SKS - Kelas A - Sistem Informasi - Genap 2024/2025
IF220403 - Internet of Things, Konektivitas dan Keamanan - 3 SKS - Kelas A - Sistem Informasi - Genap 2024/2025
IS230903 - Arsitektur Perusahaan - 3 SKS - Kelas A - Sistem Informasi - Genap 2024/2025
IS220403 - Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak - 3 SKS - Kelas A - Sistem Informasi - Genap 2024/2025
IS220503 - Keamanan Sistem Informasi dan Internet - 3 SKS - Kelas A - Sistem Informasi - Genap 2024/2025
UP220103 - Sistem Informasi Geografis - 3 SKS - Kelas A - Sistem Informasi - Genap 2024/2025
IF220403 - Internet of Things, Konektivitas dan Keamanan - 3 SKS - Genap 2023/2024
IF120503 - Pemrograman Mobile - 3 SKS - Genap 2023/2024
IS130803 - Gudang Data - 3 SKS - Genap 2023/2024
IS131003 - Transformasi Digital 3 SKS Genap 2023/2024
IS220403 - Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak - 3 SKS - Genap 2023/2024
IS230903 - Arsitektur Perusahaan - 3 SKS - Genap 2023/2024
UP220103 - Sistem Informasi Geografis - 3 SKS - Genap 2023/2024
IS220503 - Keamanan Sistem Informasi dan Internet 3 SKS Genap 2022/2023
IS230903 - Arsitektur Perusahaan 3 SKS Genap 2022/2023
IS220403 - Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 3 SKS Genap 2022/2023
IF120503 - Pemrograman Mobile 3 SKS Genap 2022/2023
IF220403 - Internet Of Things, Konektivitas dan Keamanan 3 SKS Genap 2022/2023
UP220103 - Sistem Informasi Geografis 3 SKS Genap 2022/2023
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